Multifamily buildings and outer courts.
(1) The greatest dimension in length or depth of a multifamily building shall not exceed 50 feet without a change in building plane of at least four feet. Exceptions include:
(a) Multifamily buildings enclosing two or more outer courts, on at least three sides.
(2) The minimum width of an outer court shall be as follows:
(a) Forty feet if the average height of the surrounding walls is three stories.
(b) Fifty feet if the average height of the surrounding walls is four stories.
(c) Sixty feet if the average height of the surrounding walls is five stories.
(3) The maximum depth of an outer court shall not exceed two times the court's width.
VC, TC and RHR Districts:
Multifamily (small) shall be subject to the following regulations:
(1) A minimum of 80% of the ground floor primary front facade must be devoted to active ground floor commercial use. The floor area devoted to the ground floor commercial use shall be a minimum depth of 40 feet.
(2) No single-use residential building shall be permitted.
(3) The ground floor of the primary front facade shall comply with
§ 155-3.9D, Storefronts.
Multifamily (small) shall be permitted subject to the following restrictions:
(1) A minimum of 80% of the ground floor primary front facade must be devoted to active ground floor commercial use. The floor area devoted to the ground floor commercial use shall be a minimum depth of 40 feet.
(2) No single-use residential building shall be permitted.
(3) The ground floor of the primary front facade shall comply with §
155-3.9D, Storefronts.
BMV 1, 3 and 4 Districts:
Not permitted at grade on buildings fronting Lancaster Avenue and Bryn Mawr Avenue.
(1) A minimum of 80% of the ground floor primary front facade must be devoted to active ground floor commercial use. The floor area devoted to the ground floor commercial use shall be a minimum depth of 40 feet.
CAD-RCA District:
(1) Residential uses are not permitted on the ground floor of buildings facing City Avenue.
(2) Active ground floor commercial use is required. The floor area devoted to the ground floor commercial use shall be a minimum depth of 40 feet.
The development design standards details are provided in
§ 155-6.6I for the CAD-RCA District.
CAD-BCR District:
Residential uses are subject to the following regulations:
(1) The use is limited to a lot(s) fronting on the portion of St. Asaphs Road located between Conshohocken State Road and a point in the center line of St. Asaphs Road measured approximately 642 feet southwesterly from the intersection of the center lines of Belmont Avenue and St. Asaphs Road.
(2) No buildings or structures shall be permitted within the first 50 feet of the curbline.
(3) Only residential uses are permitted within the first 100 feet of the curbline. The 100-foot restriction may be reduced to 80 feet if the nonresidential portion of the building facing St. Asaphs Road is wrapped with a residential use covering 75% of the building facade. Such uses may be either directly attached to the structure, or separated by an interior court or service lane.
The development design standards provided in
§ 155-6.6I, Development design standards, shall also apply in the CAD-BCR District.
CAD-BV District:
(1) Residential uses are not permitted on the ground floor of buildings facing City Avenue, Bala Avenue, or Cynwyd Road.
(2) Active ground floor commercial use is required. The floor area devoted to the ground floor commercial use shall be a minimum depth of 40 feet.
The development design standards provided in
§ 155-6.6I, Development design standards, shall also apply in the CAD-BV District.