MapLink™ Signs

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A sign which has not identified or advertised a current business, service, owner, product, or activity for a period of at least six months.
A type of freestanding, portable sign consisting of two faces connected and hinged at the top and whose message is targeted to pedestrians (also known as a "sandwich board sign").
A sign depicting action, motion, or light or color changes through electrical or mechanical means.
Signs of workmen performing services at or alterations to a building which shall be removed upon the completion of the work.
A sign painted on, printed on, or applied to an awning.
Awning Sign
A lighter-than-air, gas-filled balloon, tethered in a fixed location, which contains an advertising message on its surface or attached to the balloon in any manner.
A sign consisting of cloth, bunting, plastic, paper, or similar nonrigid material attached to a structure, staff, pole, rope, wire, or framing which is anchored on two or more edges or at all four corners. Banners are temporary in nature and do not include flags.
A sign fastened to a wall, constructed as a box with enough internal depth to accommodate internal lighting.
A sign that is part of, or attached to, a canopy.
Canopy Sign
A sign, or portion thereof, on which the copy or symbols change, either automatically through electrical or electronic means or manually through placement of letters or symbols on a panel mounted in or on a track system. The two types of changeable copy signs are manual changeable copy signs and electronic message signs.
A sign consisting of three-dimensional letters and/or logo, applied to a wall, each letter of which may or may not accommodate a light source.
The distance above the walkway, or other surface if specified, to the bottom edge of a sign. This term can also refer to a horizontal clear distance between two objects.
A sign indicating that the premises on which the sign is located is in the process of subdivision or land development for residential and/or nonresidential uses.
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A sign designed to provide direction to pedestrian and vehicular traffic into and out of or within a site.
A type of illuminated, changeable copy sign that consists of electronically changeable alphanumeric text.
A sign printed or painted on a cloth, plastic, canvas, or other like material with distinctive colors, patterns, or symbols attached to a pole or staff and anchored along only one edge or supported or anchored at only two corners.
A sign whose artificial illumination is not kept constant in intensity at all times when in use and which exhibits changes in light, color, direction, or animation. This definition does not include electronic message signs or digital displays that meet the requirements set forth herein.
A single- or double-faced sign that is placed on or anchored in the ground, and that is independent and detached from any building or other structure. The following are subtypes of freestanding signs:
A. GROUND/MONUMENT SIGN — A freestanding sign that is permanently supported by an internal structural framework or integrated into landscaping or other solid structural features.
Freestanding Ground/Monument Sign

B. POLE SIGN — A freestanding sign that is permanently supported in a fixed location by a structure of one or more poles, posts, uprights, or braces from the ground, and is not supported by a building or a base structure.
Freestanding Pole Sign
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Any sign for the control of traffic or for identification purposes, i.e., street signs, warning signs, railroad crossing signs, and signs of public service companies indicating danger or construction, which are erected by or at the order of a public agency, officer, employee, or agent thereof, in the discharge of official duties.
A sign that is either internally illuminated through its sign face by a light source contained within the sign, or externally illuminated by a light source aimed at its surface.
A sign that is an air-inflated object, which may be of various shapes, made of flexible fabric, resting on the ground or structure and equipped with a portable blower motor that provides a constant flow of air into the device.
An electronic or animated sign that reacts to the behavior or electronic signals of passersby.
The height of a letter from its bottom to its top, including any shadow lines which are constructed as part of the sign.
A sign, or portion thereof, on which the copy or symbols are changed manually through placement or drawing of letters or symbols on a sign face.
A sign attached to a marquee.
Marquee Sign
A sign having parts which physically move, with such movement being activated electronically or by other means, but shall not include wind-activated movement of banners or flags.
The spreading of a single message or advertisement across more than one successive display phases of a sign, or across more than one individual sign.
A sign illuminated by a neon tube, or other visible light-emanating gas tube, that is bent to form letters, symbols, or other graphics.
Any sign that was legally erected and maintained prior to the effective date of this chapter or any subsequent amendment hereto that does not comply with the provisions.
A sign which directs attention to a business, product, commodity, service, event, facility, or other commercial or noncommercial activity not located, conducted, sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is located; also referred to as a "billboard."
Off-premises Sign
A triangular or irregular piece of fabric or other material, commonly attached in strings or strands, or supported on small poles, intended to flap in wind.
An on-premises sign that expresses an opinion, interest, position, or other noncommercial message.
A building-mounted, double-sided sign which is mounted perpendicular to a building's facade.
Projecting Sign
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A sign posted at a site to promote and advertise a service sponsored by the Township, school district, church, public agency, civic association or other nonprofit public agency.
A sign containing any material or device, including mirrors or reflective paint, which has the effect of intensifying reflected light.
A sign which revolves in a circular motion, rather than remaining stationary on its supporting structure.
A sign erected upon, against, or over the roof of a building.
A sign contained within an athletic venue and intended solely to provide information to the attendees of an athletic event.
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Temporary signs or displays, including lighting, celebrating holiday seasons.
An on-premises sign regulating the use of the premises, such as a "no trespassing," "no hunting," or "no soliciting" sign (also known as a "warning sign").
Any writing, symbol, figure, representation, logo, emblem, flag, banner, device, letter, word, street clock or temperature announcement which shall include any announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, illustration, name identification, description or insignia, which is used to advertise or promote the interest of any person or firm when such representation is placed in view of the general public.
The total dimensions of a sign surface used to display information, messages, advertising, logos, or symbols. See § 155-9.3F for standards for measuring sign area.
A sign attached to a tree, pole, stake, fence, public bench, streetlight, or other object, placed on public property, in the public right-of-way or on private property without the permission of the property owner (also known as a "bandit sign").
A display made of lightweight, flexible materials, consisting of long, narrow, wavy strips hung individually or in a series, with or without a logo or advertising message.
© Civic Webware
A small sign mounted to the front or side of a building at pedestrian level, or dimensional letters mounted above the door, conveying the numerical street address of the building.
A banner suspended above a public sidewalk and attached to a single street pole. See § 133-2.1.
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A type of nonpermanent sign that is located on private property.
A sign which is mounted entirely under a canopy or the roof of a covered walkway or pedestrian arcade.
A sign affixed to a truck, van, automobile, trailer, or other vehicle which is parked on, or adjacent to any property and used primarily as a stationary advertisement to attract attention to a product sold, or an activity or business located on or off the property.
Small pedestrian-oriented information signs that may convey information, such as hours of operation, or take the form of directories, menu cases, or convey historical building information.
A sign erected against or painted on the wall of any building, displayed on windows or doors or displayed with the exposed face thereof in a plane parallel to the face of said wall.
Wall Sign
A sign that is applied, painted, or affixed to a window, or placed inside a window, within three feet of the glass, facing the outside of the building, and easily seen from the outside. Customary displays of merchandise or objects and material without lettering behind a store window are not considered signs.
Window sign
General regulations.
A. Signs are regulated by district and according to Table 9.1, Permitted Sign Locations and Permit Types, and § 155-9.8, District specific signs.
B. A permit is required for the erection, relocation, reconstruction or refabrication of all signs, except for those which are specifically exempted, provided that they are otherwise in compliance with this article.
C. Illuminated signs are prohibited, except where specified in this article. Illumination shall adhere to the following:
(1) Illumination is limited to:
(a) External illumination, lit from above.
(b) Internal illumination, limited to halo-lit or backlit channel letters, icons, and logos.
(c) Electronic message signs.
(d) Digital displays.
(2) External lighting sources to illuminate signs shall be shielded from any street right-of-way.
(3) Glare which is determined to be hazardous or distracting to pedestrians, vehicle drivers, or adjacent properties is prohibited.
(4) Sign lighting shall comply with the Energy Code adopted under the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
D. Sign location.
(1) No sign shall be placed in such a position as to endanger pedestrians, bicyclists, or traffic on a street by obscuring the view of or interfering with official street signs or signals by virtue of position or color.
(2) No sign may occupy a vehicular sight triangle, as determined by the Township's Traffic Safety Department.
(3) Signs and their supporting structures shall maintain clearance and noninterference with all surface and underground utility and communications lines and equipment.
(4) No sign shall extend closer than one foot to the vertical edge of a building corner, or to the fascia, roofline or parapet.
(5) All signs shall provide the following vertical clearance except where specified otherwise:
(a) A minimum of nine feet over pedestrianways.
(b) A minimum of 13.5 feet over vehicular travel ways and parking aisles.
(6) Signs may not be located in or project into the public right-of-way unless permitted as described in this article or Article III.
E. Measurement of sign height.
(1) Height is measured from finished mean grade to the top of the sign.
(2) The maximum height is determined by Table 9.2, General Sign Type Standards and Regulations.
F. Allowable sign area.
(1) The maximum cumulative sign area shall not exceed 1.5 square feet for every one linear foot of building frontage, per lot. Signs that consist of, or have attached to them, one or more three dimensional or irregularly shaped objects, shall have a sign area of the sum of two adjacent vertical sign faces of the smallest cube encompassing the sign or object.
(2) The permitted maximum area for all signs is determined by the sign type as determined by Table 9.2, General Sign Type Standards and Regulations.
(3) Measurement of sign area shall be determined as follows:
(a) The area of a sign shall mean the area of all lettering, wording, accompanying designs, logos, and symbols, together with the background on which they are displayed, whether open or enclosed. The area of a sign shall not include any supporting framework, bracing, or trim which is incidental to the display, provided that it does not contain any lettering, wording, or symbols.
(b) Where the sign consists of individual letters, designs, or symbols attached to a building, awning/canopy, wall, window, or freestanding structure, the area shall be that of the smallest rectangle which encompasses all of the letters, designs, and symbols.
(c) Signs may be double-sided.
[1] On-premises sign. Only the larger of the two sign faces shall be used as the basis for calculating the sign area if the interior angle formed by the faces is less than or equal to 45° and the two faces are not more than 18 inches apart.
[2] Off-premises sign. Both sides shall be calculated in the sign area.
(d) If elements of a sign are movable or flexible, such as a flag or banner, the measurement of sign area is taken when the elements are fully extended.
G. Fabrication techniques.
(1) When located in an historic district or associated with a Class 1 or Class 2 building, installation shall not damage or require removal of historic materials, and shall be done in a manner such that signs can be removed without harm to the masonry or architectural detailing.
(2) All conduit, conductors, transformers, ballasts, and other equipment shall be concealed.
(3) All attachment hardware shall be of corrosion-resistant material.
(4) Signs shall be constructed only from wood, metal, stone or other similar composite material with painted, engraved or raised messages, with the exception of temporary signs, manual changeable copy signs, channel letters, and awnings and canopy signs.
(5) Sign makers' logos, labels, or other identification is prohibited.
(6) Vinyl applied copy is prohibited except for window signs and manual changeable copy signs where permitted in Table 9.2.
(7) Every sign shall be constructed of durable materials; shall be structurally safe and erected or installed in strict accordance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code; and shall be maintained in safe condition and good repair at all times so that all sign information is clearly legible.

Except as may be expressly allowed or exempted elsewhere in this chapter, the following signs are prohibited:
A. Abandoned signs.
B. Any sign which by color, shape or location imitates, resembles, interferes with, or obstructs official traffic lights, signs, or signals.
C. Any off-premises sign, except as may be provided for within this article.
D. Any portable sign, except A-frame sidewalk signs.
E. Any sign erected without the permission of the property owner or authorized agent.
F. Any sign that creates a clear and present danger to life, safety or welfare, as determined by the Director of Building and Planning or the Superintendent of Police.
G. Any sign which obstructs free ingress to or egress from a required exitway.
H. Any sign which uses an intermittent light or lights, including flashing lights, beacon lights, strobe lights, rotating beacons, chasing lights, or zip lights, including electronically controlled copy changes.
I. Any illuminated tubing or strings of lights which outline rooflines, doors, windows, wall edges or rows of vehicles when used for advertising purposes, with the exception of temporary seasonal lights. Temporary lights shall cease to be operated within 60 days of installation.
J. Any pennant strings, balloons or other inflatable objects, and streamers.
K. Any snipe sign.
L. Mechanical movement signs, including revolving signs.
M. Interactive signs.
N. Reflective signs or signs containing mirrors.
O. Inflatable signs or balloon signs, with the exception of balloons used in temporary, noncommercial situations.
P. Vehicular signs.
Q. Any sign which exhibits statements, words or pictures of obscene or pornographic subjects.
R. Any sign inconsistent with the provisions of this article.
S. Any sign that emits smoke, visible vapors, particulate matter, sound, odor, or contains open flames.

Nonconforming signs; signs on nonconforming use premises.
A. The total area of all signs relating to a single use existing at the effective date of this article or at the effective date of any amendment by which the sign shall be made nonconforming shall not be increased.
B. Any sign in existence at the time this article becomes effective which is not in conformance with the provisions as set forth herein may be repainted or relettered. If a nonconforming sign is removed, replaced, resized, or if more than 25% of the sign frame or support structure is removed or replaced, it must be made to conform to the provisions of this article.
C. Multitenant properties with total approved existing sign area that becomes nonconforming as a result of a decrease in the permissible sign area for each linear foot of building frontage may replace individual signs, provided that the area of the replacement sign is no larger than that permitted using the following calculations:
(1) The existing building frontage and total approved existing sign area for the lot shall be calculated.
(2) The percentage determined by dividing the currently permitted sign area by the total approved existing sign area shall be calculated.
(3) The area of any subsequently erected replacement sign must not exceed the previously approved area of such sign multiplied by the percentage determined under § 155-9.7C(2).
(4) No new sign may be erected as a result of the expansion in the linear frontage of a building unless the total sign area on the lot conforms to the requirements of Article IX.

The following regulations shall apply to all signs erected, altered, or maintained after the effective date of this article, and shall exclude governmental/regulatory signs.

Legislative intent.
It is the intent of this article to regulate all signs within Lower Merion Township to ensure that they are appropriate for their respective uses, in keeping with the appearance of the affected property and surrounding environment, and protective of the public health, safety, and general welfare. In addition, it is the intent of this article to:
A. Encourage sign design that upholds the visual environment and aesthetic quality that the Township seeks to promote and conforms to the architectural context of the surrounding buildings, thus preserving the right of citizens to enjoy the Township's scenic features and viewsheds.
B. Ensure that signs are adequate, but not excessive, for the intended purpose of identification or advertisement.
C. Support and enhance the pedestrian environment.
D. Prohibit the erection of signs in such numbers, sizes, designs, illumination, and locations as may create a hazard to pedestrians and motorists.
E. Reasonably regulate the time, place and manner of sign regulations by placing reasonable limits on the size, total number, separation from other signs, height, safety, and other similar aspects of signs in order to minimize possible adverse impacts on nearby public and private property, including roadways.

Permit exempt signs.
A. The following signs shall be allowed without a sign permit and shall not be included in the determination of the type, number or area of permanent signs allowed on a property, provided that such signs comply with all applicable regulations in Article IX, Sign Standards, as well as the general regulations in § 155-9.3, General regulations. However, no exempt signs may project into the right-of-way of any public or private road, except for a governmental sign, and except for temporary signs authorized by Chapter 133, Streets and Sidewalks, § 133-2.1, Temporary signs with the public right-of-way.
B. Signs shall follow the standards according to Table 9.2, General Sign Type Standards and Regulations.
(1) Official traffic signs.
(2) Governmental/regulatory signs.
(3) Public service signs which only advertise the public service provided on the property where the sign is located.
(4) "No trespassing" or similar on-premises signs, provided that no sign shall exceed one square foot in sign area or be placed at intervals of less than 150 feet, or in accordance with state law.
(5) Temporary signs, except as noted in Table 9.1, Permitted Sign Locations and Permit Types.
(6) Memorial signs.
(7) Seasonal and holiday decorations.
(8) Address or nameplate signs.
(9) Signs which are permanent architectural features of a building or structure existing as of the effective date of this article.
(10) Flags.
(11) Art and murals, provided that such signs do not contain any commercial messaging.